Daily Archives: October 28, 2014

Blackboard paint


Hi Everyone

Over the last week I have had a little go of the Prima Chalkboard Paint available from Oyster Stamps. There are 12 colours to choose from, it takes a while to dry and is usable after 24hrs.

I have started with the traditional black just to see how it turned out, this is a small MDF tag that I have used for my trial run. I used Gesso on it first, then painted the front in black then when it was dry I did the back in pink, I got rather messy and the pink ended up going over the sides and you could see it from the front, which I didn’t like, so when that dried I re-painted the sides and back in black too. This looked very plain, so I decided to decorate it.

I wasn’t sure how this was going to work on a stamp, so I painted a piece of scrap card with black blackboard paint and let it dry. I chose Sea Breeze for my image, but had trouble getting a nice stamped look, the paint was going on to thick. I eventually found that the best way ( well for me anyway ), was to paint a couple of lines on a craft mat keeping the paint fairly thin and then use the 2nd and 3rd generation stamp.

I then drilled a hole through the chalk and tied with garden string.


I was quite pleased with my first attempt, it’s nice that you can also write over the blue flowery bit as it’s all blackboard paint, just wipe the chalk off with a damp cloth.

I’m now happy to try a bigger version lol,

hope you have fun making one of these xx

Thanks for popping in xx